<aside> 🧑🏻🦰 Target Audience Persona Template Overview:
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This target audience persona template is a useful tool for small businesses and brands to create a detailed representation of their ideal client. This template provides a framework for you to understand their audience's inner psyche and how best to appeal to them.
Creating a target audience persona helps small businesses to develop a deeper understanding of their ideal clients' pain points and how their product or service solves those pain points. By establishing a persona for each of their services or products, businesses can create marketing strategies and content that resonates with their target audience. Having these personas built can help to check in with content & make sure that it would appeal to our personas.
This target audience persona template includes details about their lives such as:
Overall, this template is a valuable marketing tool for small businesses to understand their ideal clients better and create targeted social marketing strategies. By creating personas in this way (and constantly checking in with them), businesses can see better success with organic marketing strategies.
<aside> 1️⃣ Step ONE: Create a list of the services or products that your business provides to your clients. Make sure to check this list every quarter or every time a new item is added to your services or products. If you have more than five products or services, duplicate the last persona page and rename them until you have an even number of items to personas.
It is important to have your products and services mapped out before creating the personas, as we want to have a particular service or product in mind when creating the persona.
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<aside> 2️⃣ Step TWO: Once all of your products or services are listed on the left-hand side below, you'll want to start filling in the corresponding persona on the right-hand side. When creating personas, you want to think about your best client that you have worked with. The client in real life could have a few qualities that you didn't like, so make sure to change those within this persona. If you haven't had a client yet, just imagine what your best client's qualities would be. This will become more of a trial and error process for those of you who have not had a client yet.
You may need to do some market research on the information about your ideal client. You can use avenues such as customer feedback (surveys, testimonials, reviews, etc.), social media analytics, Google Analytics, studies, customer research (focus groups), and many more.
Using an AI system can be beneficial if you are prompting the system correctly. I'd highly recommend using the AI that is already built into this program (Notion).
Creating multiple personas for one service or product may be necessary. Make sure that you are keeping your personas organized and grouped by service or product to make it easier to keep track of the personas.
Here is an example of a persona created for you:
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<aside> 3️⃣ Step THREE: Once you have set up your target audience personas for EACH product or service, you'll want to distribute them to anyone who is front-facing in your company (marketing, sales, etc.). That way, all content and outreach that goes out is sure to be optimized and geared towards the ideal client of that product or service.
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